if you think your job is bad try mine
And I thought my life was weird
I never thought avoiding cooties would be a goal
Cancel Culture Wizard of Oz is being pulled because it offends people without brains
not so factual history of the middle finger
Even Forest Gump knows what a woman is
2th Street
virus no symptoms is a symptom
The girl at the football party who does not know anything about football CIRCLE BACK CIRCLE BACK
Tips for online debates lolz
Stay off of her car sign
easily entertained hehe
Will Smith Smacking Kid Rock Global Warming Meme -  let the memes begin
Do you want to hear a Covid Joke
grammar feeling your nuts feeling you are nuts
Variant of the month club
Meanwhile in space
Can doctors say whether a baby is a boy or a girl if they are not biologists
immigrant replacing moochelle
Clampets visit DC and decide Jethro is a genius after all
Horton hears a microagression
Construction workers needed
I am wonder woman
Sometimes life gives you a sign
why yopu dont want to attack the usa
duck duck goose
you shouldnt eat meat
home depot bathroom sign
Mike Are you childish
Keith Richards is happy he outlived yet another Rock Star
U can't fix stupid
CDC recommends to wear your mask over your eyes while pumping gas
The truth comes out - It was Bernie Sanders blocking the canal in a Kayak
Mike Coat of Arms
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