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the valley of the shadow of death
funny shizz
spring forward
Boobs vs Moobs
i dont suffer from insanity
I dream of a world...hehe
the voices in my wifes head
Hawaiian winter wear
Dogs are funny :D
cause I only care about me
The element of surprise
Girls Night Out!
if you think your job is bad try mine
global warming protest haha
2th Street
The vet said it would stop him from scratching
Mike Are you childish
The universe is made of protons neurons electrons and morons
You may regret buying a memory foam mattress
I need a vacation...
grammar feeling your nuts feeling you are nuts
I am wonder woman
U can't fix stupid
Dear Vegetarians
sandwhich anyone ?? haha
why i like to be alone
Google -  boy or girl?
What he is hiding behind that fake smile of his
cookie iphones hehe
redneck murders are hard to solve
So glad I am a clean liver  joke
Bigfoot is sometimes confused for sasquatch yeti never complains
I love my pillow because it gives me different hairstyles every mornng
If facebook was around in the 1700s
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