Safari Woman is online.

Orlando terrorist Mateen's wife, Noor Salman, is missing according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Five days after the shooting, Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman visited with Obama and members of congress.  They share the ...
Redneck Angel Warrior

From Sharia Unveiled Abid Naseer who is on trial in Brooklyn accused of supporting al-Qaeda. Photo courtesy of: RAWA News by, USDOJ | RAWA News Documents declassified at a trial of a suspected terrorist show that millions of...
Redneck Angel Warrior

I was sent this just recently by a good friend.... It certainly explains a lot! First cuzzins marrying is not a good idea! Perhaps this is why the 9/11 islamic pilots only knew how to fly the planes into the twin towers... th...
Safari Woman is online.

12/3/15 By ~SafariWoman At the social service center: The couple left three rigged-together pipe bombs with a remote-control detonating device that apparently malfunctioned. The controller was similar to the model car control...
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