Redneck Angel Warrior

I was sent this just recently by a good friend.... It certainly explains a lot! First cuzzins marrying is not a good idea! Perhaps this is why the 9/11 islamic pilots only knew how to fly the planes into the twin towers... th...
Redneck Angel Warrior

At the recent UN Emergency Session on Gaza, Hillel Neuer of the NGO “UN Watch” stood resolute in the face of adversity and world anti-Semitism. UN leaders of nation after nation tried to silence his message of truth..albeit u...
Redneck Angel Warrior

by, Joel C. Rosenberg Did you know that Muslims believe that the destruction of the U.S. and Israel will usher in “Hudna” and the coming of their Messiah? What are key leaders from military, government, and evangelical Christ...
Redneck Angel Warrior

by, William Engdahl | RT News | h/t Rick Owen For days now, since their dramatic June 10 taking of Mosul, Western mainstream media have been filled with horror stories of the military conquests in Iraq of the Islamic State in...
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