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Lolita Grayson was approved for public assistance by the state of Florida, and their four minor children — they have five children altogether — are also enrolled in the free lunch program in Orange County schools, according to ABC affiliate WFTV.

The stay-at-home mom was asked if she ever thought she’d be on food stamps.

“No,” Lolita responded. “Never, because my husband, he’s been the sole provider for me for the last 29 years.”

In filing for public assistance,  Lolita said her monthly income consisted of $592 per child.

Grayons’ attorney attributed her actions to politics the week before an election, telling WFTV his client pays about $10,000 a month for the mortgage, utilities and phone bill for the home.

“This is abusing the public,” attorney Mark Nejame said. “She’s going out and asking for support because she can’t support herself on $120,000? That’s outrageous.”

Safari Woman
How is it that anyone who gets 120,000 a year in child support is eligible for food stamps????
  • October 30, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
This is the last sentence: Grayson’s attorneys responded by attributing the problem to her being “a poor housekeeper,” but a WFTV reporter saw a septic leak in front of the home and mold in nearly every room.

I still don't get it.
  • October 30, 2014
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Safari Woman
Me neither..
  • October 31, 2014
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