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Trump took the narrative from Russia to Sweden in a microsecond when he mentioned what is going on in Europe because of the refugee crisis and included a news cast he saw the night before on Sweden. I don't know if Trump intended for so much focus to be on Sweden when he mentioned several European countries but that is where we landed with Sweden's migrant crime wave becoming a national story. This happens just in time as tonight Sweden is on fire with rioting

Additionally Sweden has come to be known as the Rape Capital of Europe for the statistics on rapes has risen to an incredible number since refugees started pouring in. In one of the videos I am posting below the statistics are given that now in Sweden, the amount of 16-17 year old males are 136 for every 100 16-17 year old females. This means these young men, will not find mates, will not join society in adulthood in a family situation and will be loose in their country from here on with all of the imaginable implications that brings with it. 

Below are attached articles and videos for any who haven't yet discovered just what is really going on in Sweden. Be warned America, we do not want what is happening in Europe, whether we look at Sweden, Paris, Nice or Germany, to ever happen to us. 

I will add more attachments as they become known to me ->

 Copyright 2017 aka SafariWoman all rights not assigned are reserved no use without express written permission other copyrights may apply. 


Carl Spencer
Sweden is f_cked forever. The lady who does my books had a niece over there in college. She was one of the over a thousand concert rape victims. She came back to the states and she is ruined for life physically and mentally from what Gloria said. The government did nothing to help her except get he...
  • February 21, 2017
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That is so sad.
  • February 21, 2017
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Carl Spencer
Your system moderated me. I guess the famous four letter f word I used isn't permitted here. Why is that? We are all adults.
  • February 21, 2017
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Walter D.
I am roting for Le Pen
  • March 1, 2017
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