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I can't take credit for this discovery as I found it on the site.  

LifeLog was a program designed to collect every minute detail of a person's life. Facebook does just that to the extent people volunteer the information most of the time. Other times they collect information without consent. 

I have long heard rumors, watched videos and read articles about the government being behind and engaged with Facebook. Maybe I should qualify it with the specific ongoing theme is that it was established in part by the CIA or as we are coming to understand, the deep state in general. 

This may be a coincidence but if it is, it is a very thought provoking one with all that is coming out about Facebook spying, their AI mind control developments, and data sharing with candidates.

It's just a gut feeling more than information I can share as evidence for my belief that we will find Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, basically all of the giant data collectors, work together to push globalism partnered with our deep state and their globalist cohorts around the world. 

I would quit them all if I didn't know how much they loathe me being there. For now, I stay with a voice they would rather not hear or support with their platforms. Yes, it irks me that they spy and make money. I am deeply offended by their mind  manipulation techniques, but it is because of the danger of their plotting that I stay. For as long as we the people who support freedom and the sovereignty of the United States according to its constitution can remain on these leftist data pimping mind control sites, we need to in order to keep our ideas alive. They would crush us completely if they could. The way they are going with so much censorship and left leaning moderation, it might not be long until they do.

Linda Mihalic
  • April 12, 2018
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"There is no such thing as a coincidence." ~ SS/A Leroy Jethro Gibbs, USNCIS. ALSO, YEARS before that, "There is no such thing as a coincidence." ~ D/LT Robert A. Schultz, SCDAO.
  • April 12, 2018
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