March 3, 2016 by
in Christian Politics
Ben Carson quote We the people are not each others enemies
March 3, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
Interesting. Do you believe Carson could win a mayor or governor election?
  • March 3, 2016
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Marge Pauls
IMHO, I think so, and I believe he'll excel at it. Trouble with his Presidential run is he stays true to his beliefs, which is putting God first.
  • March 3, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
He should do what he needs to get elected then let his beliefs come out. I would do that.
  • March 3, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Then he would be a liar and a cheat like other candidates. God first in all things. If you don't win, that means He has other plans for you.
  • March 3, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
I just meant stick with the issues. But, okay.
  • March 4, 2016
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Marge Pauls
But isn't that what he did? That is the problem--people seem to enjoy all the name-calling and scandal and such! I'm wondering why a quiet, respectable brain surgeon suddenly opted for the limelight, lol! This whole campaign has gone out of control and I'm also wondering if we aren't seeing the fine...
  • March 4, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
He said some things. Too bad America can't elect Christians.
  • March 4, 2016
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Sarah Paskowitz
He might but I think he will be better placed somewhere not in government.
  • March 4, 2016
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Before 0bama, I didn't consider myself a racist. But during the past eight years, I have been 'taught' to hate people of all colors and faiths.

When a sitting president takes sides in murders, rapes, riots and burglaries it creates distrust. It is definitely an 'us against them' atmosphere and it...
  • March 3, 2016
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