Obamas eyes - evil fills an empty soul
Safari Woman
Confirmed Cyber Breaches During Obama Presidency vs Trump
Why did Pelosi issue an incomplete affidavit to 49 states FECs without the constitutional clause verifying Obama legitimate to run for president
When Obama wanted to normalize relations with Russia - it was okie dokee fine and dandy
OBAMAS Web of corruption
Trump Popping the Obama Legacy Bubble
Trump Considers Obama for SCOTUS Appointment
Illegal aliens protest obama breaking up their family and deporting them
What does Michelle Obama really look like
Obama dont separate me from my mommy
Obama Hillary and their Iranian advisers - should say Handlers
Barack Obamas Mentors
Not at all funny Birds of a feather
How much of Obamas Legacy is left - after Trump
Leaky Sneaky and Freaky - Comey Brennan and Clapper
Imagine if this was Trump and Ivanka not Obama and Malia Smoking Pot
Kanye to Obama - Imma let you finish but - Trump
Obama - the obamination is over
Remember when Obama claimed he did not really know Bill Ayers - LIAR
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