Obamas eyes - evil fills an empty soul
Safari Woman
Uncle Bamas Dirty Rice - always served up in a cracked pot
Sexual Pervert gives Sexual Predator Awards to Clinton Weinsteiin Weiner and Cosby
Obama lifts moratorium on gain of function research on viruses
What other leaders did Obama spy on
Just a couple of guys out kayaking Obama
Trump takes out Obamas Legacy
Nixon wiretapped a hotel room Obama wiretapped the entire nation
Obama said the days of 3 percent GDP are long Gone Trump hit 4 point 1
Feb 18 2016 DHS announces further travel restriction for visa waiver program
Barack Obamas Mentors
Kanye to Obama - Imma let you finish but - Trump
Obamas eyes - evil fills an empty soul
Big Mike and Trudeau - some jokes write themselves
obamas shocking Al Qaeda Link
Obama Funneled 3 BILLION into a DOJ Slush fund for Anti Trump Activists MEDIA REPORTS Russia Rigged the election
obama with bandaid on middle finger with young girl
OBAMAS Web of corruption
How much of Obamas Legacy is left - after Trump
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