Obamas eyes - evil fills an empty soul
Safari Woman
Michelle aka Michael Obama Kayaking
Variety of Congressmen on the release of FISA abuse memo #ReleaseTheMemo
Trump takes out Obamas Legacy
Sexual Pervert gives Sexual Predator Awards to Clinton Weinsteiin Weiner and Cosby
Obama Hillary and their Iranian advisers - should say Handlers
Obamas Corruption is Treason
Trump Considers Obama for SCOTUS Appointment
James Brown does Michelle Obama When your husband is no longer president lmao
thanks Obama
Why did Pelosi issue an incomplete affidavit to 49 states FECs without the constitutional clause verifying Obama legitimate to run for president
OBAMA has a special seat in hell waiting for him
Michelle Obama and Farrakhan's Wife
Leaky Sneaky and Freaky - Comey Brennan and Clapper
Criminal Associations to Barack Hussein Obama
why did you marry that man --
One of these things is not like  the other
Imagine if this was Trump and Ivanka not Obama and Malia Smoking Pot
obama fail
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