July 28, 2015 by
Coral Snake VS Scarlet King Snake Florida
July 28, 2015
File Size:
263 kb
Battle Wins:
Wanda Hope Carter
PLEASE Please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the snake I just chased to the end of my garage, which decided to crawl behind the siding instead of going two inches in the other direction out the garage door, be the one on the right!!!!!!!!!!!! omg..... Immediately behind where it crawled, would be un...
  • July 28, 2015
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Mark Bailey
Nice stream of consciousness... I hope you are right.
  • July 28, 2015
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Wanda Hope Carter
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not a snake hater but geez I don't want one in my house. ESPECIALLY A POISONOUS ONE.. in the garage either! Scared me to pieces lol.. I had to reach over it with a broom handle to push the button to open the garage door. I almost had it out! Darn thing!
  • July 28, 2015
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Mark Bailey
  • July 28, 2015
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Red to yellow, kill a fellow. Red to black, venom lack.
Old southern saying....
  • July 28, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
I think you would remember the stark brightness of the coral snake. Stay way from those!
  • July 28, 2015
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Yo Adrienne
It reminds me of Obammy.....It looks like one thing...and turns out to be something entirely different..........!!! Just sayin'
  • July 28, 2015
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R Potts
LOL I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew where it was even if I had to rip the siding off.
  • July 28, 2015
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Sharon Knight
I'm scared of snakes. I hope it didn't get in your house!
  • August 9, 2015
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