
I really enjoy TeamNetworks.Net and the great people I have met here!
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Bettie Davis
Tyrone Power
Scarlett O'Hara
Mae West
Liz Taylor - Mongomery Cliff
Nina Mae McKinney
James Dean playing with Marcus
Lookin' for Some Action
Geraldine Page James Dean in NYC restaurant
Anna Held
James Dean reciting poetry
A Womens Poem
Private Babe Ruth
Bridgette Bardot Then and Now 80 years old
Cary Grant cir 1940s
Bettie Davis
Vivien Leigh
Lauren Bacall
Granny Moses - Beverly Hillbillies
James Garner
Mae West
Norma Jean
Gary Cooper at home - 1936
Audrey Hepburn  at 16
Gary Cooper with gas gun 1931
Loretta Young
Gwili Andre 1932
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