
How do you spell Moron?  -L-I-B-E-R-A-L - Correct!
Loretta Lynch to Transgenders
Michelle cranks down on potatoes and says let them eat peas lol beeeeeyotch
If I throw my baby on stage will they shoot Kanye
National Enquirer reporting Scalia murdered by a hooker
James Brown and Maxine Waters Share the Same Wig -
32 Terms every informed citizen should know
Ted Kennedy Volkswagen Ad from the 70s
When People cry genuine tears they wipe both eyes but not Obama LIAR
Obamas Commencement Speech Does NOT Impress West Point Grads
Moo looking Good
Obama gives himself a medal
MLK Jr - Looted nothing Burned nothing Attacked no one CHANGED THE WORLD
Dear North Korea Please Keep Dennis Rodman
Nancy Pelosis Problem is that her spine  does not seem to reach her brain - Liz Cheny Quote
Illegals Celebrating Cinco de Mayo
Michael Sam VS Robert Griffin III
The Obamas are packing it out of the White House PRAISE GOD
What is wrong with this POPE
The Land of Make Believe Where Everything is Opposite
Congress should wear jackets like NASCAR Drivers so we can know who bought them
Get your affluenza vaccine before it is too late
Obama: Let us PREY!
IRS Targeting Record Under Lois Lerner
Who The Hell Is...
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
Florida Democrat Congressman Garcia authority on communism and ear wax
"The New American Dream"
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
why should i behave when i grew up like this
Obama Arms Syrian Rebels Who Call Themselves Jihadists and Who Beheaded a Christian Minister
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