
Dedicated to the Stupidest Sheeple of All
Obama Gone January 2- 2017 HALELUJAH
Eric Holder Explodes at Louis Gohmert - What Gohmert should have said
Governments create wealth the same way ticks create blood
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
Me in front of the Capitol - DC - 08 - March and Protest Liberal Agendas
"The New American Dream"
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
Obama Arms Syrian Rebels Who Call Themselves Jihadists and Who Beheaded a Christian Minister
Liberals Faulty Thinking Caused By Bleeding Hearts Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain
Obama: Wahhhhhh!!! They won't give me their guns!
congrats to al and barry
This is not theater I am not interested in photo ops Obama lie quote
Marty there is no time to lose go back in time and give Obamas dad a condom
Undocumented Democrats
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Reagan Bush and Obama one picture says it all
Can anyone explain this picture of Michelle Obama
Pervert Reject Suspend
Baracks BS Bingo
Don't be such a dickhead
Putin plays Crimea  knock knock phone gag on Obama
Who The Hell Is...
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
Florida Democrat Congressman Garcia authority on communism and ear wax
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
List of US Senators That Voted for the UN Gun Bill and Ditched The Constitution
why should i behave when i grew up like this
Detroit Hiroshima 1945 2010 after five decades of democrat control
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