
Is James Foleys mother the crisis actress Adriana Victoria Munoz?
What Happened at a College Democrat Bake Sale LOL
Thats fine my boy
When obama Took Offie US ranked 6th in Economic Freedom now it is 12th
Is this a man or a woman and which bathroom should it use
The Genocide Chart
What do you see in the top photo that you do not see in the bottom
Empty Chair Obama - We Do not have a strategy yet
Politicians And Dirty Diapers
Zombie Rights Activists
The New Normal School Training - How to fill out government forms
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
The Five Gitmo Bad Guys That Obama Traded for a Traitor
US Socialist History 1900 - 1990 Chart Graph
Scene in the womens bathroom - Relax lady Im transgender
Ted Kennedy - Cant breathe thats what she said
Marcia Marcia Marcia says Some Day I am going to be the head of my local NAACP
Obama staff wearing Trump hats MERRY CHRISTMAS
Vets dying on waiting list while illegal aliens get billions thanks obama
The fifty dollar lesson
Hillary signing
cool cat with fly clueless obama with fly
Harry Reid Corruption Graphic
When did Ben Franklin Get a Gender Reassignment LOL PIC
Facebook Black Power Political Organization Claims Responsibility for Dallas Police Shooting
The Man Child President - Obama blowing bubbles while the world burns
I would like to see every woman know how to handle firearms Quote Annie Oakley
Liberal arts students
Obama does not have a strategy but he does have a tee time
Nixon - I am not a crook by todays standards
Han Solo Pro-Gun Anti-Government Free Market Capitalist
Obama VS Thommas Jefferson on Tyranny
I do not always drive at 3X the legal limit but when I do I indict Governor Perry
Nazi Rally in Nuremberg 1937
Elijah Cummings does not know his party history Republicans NOT Democrats gave blacks the right to vote
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