
TEA Party Defenders of the Constitution
JFK quote
Background Checks Good Idea Mr President Let Us Start With You
Liberal Logic 101
Im so sick of the government reading but never liking my statuses
Ben Carson quote We the people are not each others enemies
What is the difference between McConnell and Reid -Zilch
Barack Oboehner
Remember when everything sucked and Government fixed all the problems - Neither do I
What Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower have in common
Where is the sanctuary for American citizens Dana Loesch quote
You Went Full Libtard You Never Go Full Libtard
Look I caught a sasquatch - oops no wait its just Michelle Obama
Michelle cranks down on potatoes and says let them eat peas lol beeeeeyotch
If you become sheep the wolves will eat you Benjamin Franklin Quote
Mooch looks like the statue of David lmbo
armed guards
Ted Kennedy Volkswagen Ad from the 70s
Lets keep the equality train moving 50 state concealed carry
Obama - I heard there was a biker rally today
Obama: Let us PREY!
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
Dukes of Hazard Car Offensive vs Rap Music Offensive
Cain killed Abel with a rock It is a heart problem not a gun problem Jeremiah 17-9
So you expect me to believe a fetus can be gay but not human or alive
What do you see in the top photo that you do not see in the bottom
Working bitches
I know a few people that fit this description
Obama caters to Syrian Refugees while ignoring homeless American Veterans
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
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