
Where is the sanctuary for American citizens Dana Loesch quote
how not to wear a disney sweater
If Guns Were Illegal No One Would Have One? YEAH RIGHT!
Obama: Wahhhhhh!!! They won't give me their guns!
Socialism -  if we can not all be rich let us be equally poor except for our rulers they still get to be rich
Lets keep the equality train moving 50 state concealed carry
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
Dukes of Hazard Car Offensive vs Rap Music Offensive
General George S. Patton Quote
What Happened at a College Democrat Bake Sale LOL
That Feeling You Get After About Two Minutes Of Listening To Obama Talk - Al Bundy
Sheeple, Its Whats for Dinner ;)
CLINTONspelled out
The Genocide Chart
Obama caters to Syrian Refugees while ignoring homeless American Veterans
Fear is a Liar
Pistol Packing Eleanor Roosevelt
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
too old for PC
Obama in Aleister Crowley Tshirt VS Boy in American Flag Tshirt - CREEPY
List of US Senators That Voted for the UN Gun Bill and Ditched The Constitution
Holy Sh t
What has Ameica become
Detroit Hiroshima 1945 2010 after five decades of democrat control
Capitalism is private ownersip of property Socialism is state ownership of people PICK ONE
truckers on the way
Decorated Officer - I didnt join the Navy to fight for Al Qeada in a Syrian Civil War
TEA Party Defenders of the Constitution
Background Checks Good Idea Mr President Let Us Start With You
FBI letter to MLK jr suggesting he kill himself Put out by Wikileaks
JFK quote
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