
Socialism -  if we can not all be rich let us be equally poor except for our rulers they still get to be rich
Liberals Faulty Thinking Caused By Bleeding Hearts Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain
Dukes of Hazard Car Offensive vs Rap Music Offensive
Reporter Dwight Worley's Home Address
The sactuary flock of sheep does not care if the wolf is illegal
We do not need more cameras pointed at citizens we need more cameras pointed at politicians
Mama's Little Boy Did Too Say "Terrorism" Obama:  You Tell em big mama, You tell the bad man!
Marty there is no time to lose go back in time and give Obamas dad a condom
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
Another sign that we are living in a disfuncional society
At a girl Sarah Palin Donkey Head Trophy Over the Fireplace
Winston Churchill Quote Some peoples idea of free speech
To Argue with a person who has renounced reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine quote
Few generations are called upon to defend freedom like this generation has been
Time Magazine 1956 Teaching Firearm Saftey in the Classroom
Bloomberg allows girls to have morning after pills but not large sodas
What do you see in the top photo that you do not see in the bottom
National Buffoons Vacation
Teach a Man to Fish and he will Eat for Life Give HIm Someone Elses Fish and He Will Vote for You
The Apple Doesn't fall far from the tree
John Kerry is Lurch's Evil Twin Brother (Photo Evidence)
Clint Eastwood to Obamas Empty Chair - How Was Paris
Military Spending by Country
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
What a Lovely Place America Could Be if Only There Were No Liberals
Scene in the womens bathroom - Relax lady Im transgender
A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves Edward R Murrow Quote
The 18 Republican Senators Who Stood Up for America and Voted Against the Senate Budget 10/16/13
Would you rather see this or a no gun zone sign in front of your childs school
Empty Chair Obama - We Do not have a strategy yet
1st Black Congressmen Were Republicans
Biden Prays not to say something stupid
Welfare Cliff Chart How American Tax Rates Punish Success
George Washington Quote about gun ownership by Americans
Dreams from my Douchey Father
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