
Fear is a Liar
The Genocide Chart
So you expect me to believe a fetus can be gay but not human or alive
What do you see in the top photo that you do not see in the bottom
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
Pistol Packing Eleanor Roosevelt
too old for PC
Obama in Aleister Crowley Tshirt VS Boy in American Flag Tshirt - CREEPY
Russel Kirks 10 Conservative Principles
45 percent pay no income tax and vote on what to charge everyone else
Make North Korea Great Again - When Kim Gets Trumped
Moo looking Good
New Ben and Jerrys  Ice Cream Impeach Mint
Numeric Palindrome with 1s
Robin Morgan radical feminist hates herself because she is white
Obama golfing through Louisiana flood
Al and Jessie Wish On a Star For the End of Racial Strife and Bigotry POOF - They are gone wish granted
No brain No Courage No Heart - You must be politicians
Perception of white pride vs perception of black pride
Harry Reid quote the cost of illegal aliens
Molon Labe if you can kill me you can have my weapons
What We Know About The Boston Terrorist Bomber
Deficits Under USA Presidents
Obama as the Wicked Witch of the West Wing Gives Illegals Amnesty With His Magic Wand
Have you heard the TEA party conspiracy
Fiscal Cliff
Highheel of My Dreams
Beavis Hands Up Dont Shoot
Anti Gun Hysteria Exposed Vermont State Senator Mary Ann Carlson thinks gun owners are likely criminals
Best Bar Joke Ever
Looting - because nothing says you care about a dead teen more than breaking in and stealing air jordans
Al Sharpton - I am here to help
Tyranny is defined as what is legal for the government but not for the citizens Thomas Jefferson Quote
2000 years ago Jesus ended the debate of which lives matter He died for all
Dedicated to the Stupidest Sheeple of All
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