Obama Cares About You and other fairy tales for progressive children
My butt fell asleep
Political Correctness lets stop calling it the black widow spider
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
IRS Targeting Record Under Lois Lerner
Obama: Wahhhhhh!!! They won't give me their guns!
Summer Flower Janice Vicks
How to handle a Telemarketer Lesson 1 ATT
Dedicated to the Stupidest Sheeple of All
Marty there is no time to lose go back in time and give Obamas dad a condom
What Phil Robertson Said to the Obamacare Pajama Boy
Don't be such a dickhead
St Bernadette
Florida Democrat Congressman Garcia authority on communism and ear wax
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
My mom taught me well
Barack Insane OFundraising Campaigner
Decorated Officer - I didnt join the Navy to fight for Al Qeada in a Syrian Civil War
22 CR Diamonds Gold Precious Stones Tata Nano
Storm Damage on 1-75 Near Huntsville Oneida Exit
happy thanksgiving cat
4th of July Fireworks
Summer Tree
Cyclone Category Reference Chart
Rand Paul shaking hands with Al Race Baiting Sharpton after Breakfast Meeting in Senate Dining Room
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