2014 Best States For Business
Obama - I heard there was a biker rally today
NY Daily news wins shameful player contest
Scalia on SCOTUS corruption and Warren Court
All the Presidents Men - Obama 2012 Flow Chart
You must try to get an educatio because it is very important If the new generation is not given pens they will be given guns by terrorists Malala Yousafzai
Manhattan before and after civilization
National Buffoons Vacation
United States Welfare Usage Medicaid Chart
Peter Tatchell is wrong quote about sex with children not being harmful
This is what my Thanksgiving was Like!
Hauoli Pakoa
I am a transfinancial
Obamas View of Terrorists Criminals and Right Wingers
Who are you to judge the life I live Bob Marley Quote
What a cute little ass lmbo!
Founding feminist ideology
Happy Independence Day
Michelle vs Melania Change is coming
Gratitude turns what we have into enough
Obama does not have a strategy but he does have a tee time
New Years Blessing
We will be friends until we are old and senile and then we will be new friends
Obama Transgender Bathroom Letter to Schools Going Straight To the Shredder
White people were the first to stop slavery in modern times slaver still continues in Africa
Allen West Quote Why the outrage over NBA owner and not the lies and deceit of Obama
obama understands we are under threat of nuclear war but he has not had a vaction in over two weeks poor baby
Meet Mohammad Fazi with beheaded infidels
Find the black dot
Emails prove Lois Lerner fed True the Vote tax info to Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings - co-conspirator
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