Topic: gun rights

Democrat Sit In We Shall Overcome Your Constitutional Rights
Oil your guns with Obama tears
I would like to see every woman know how to handle firearms Quote Annie Oakley
Han Solo Pro-Gun Anti-Government Free Market Capitalist
2nd amendment only covers muskets LOL yeah right
The truth about gun deaths
Reduce drunk driving by taking away cars from sober drivers
Gun Control is a partnership between Democrats and Criminals
Its Not the Breed Its the Owner
Patrick Henry Quote on having arms for our own defense
Government killed over 250 million people in the last century
When government takes away right to bear arms it is citizens duty to take away governments right to govern George Washington quote
NOTICE Sooting school children strictly prohibited
Stop Arson Outlaw semiautomatic matches
If a politician says you dont need a gun that means you need a gun
Which one is an assault rifle
We must not judge the many by the actions of a few Muslims or Gun Owners
Nobody needs an AR15
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