Topic: gun rights

Come Igor let us disarm the angry villagers - Yes Master - Obama and McCain
A tale of two cities Chicago VS Houston
Gun Control is a partnership between Democrats and Criminals
Nobody needs an AR15
The truth about gun deaths
Attention Idiots
Molon Labe if you can kill me you can have my weapons
Which one is an assault rifle
Its Not the Breed Its the Owner
How is it you need a background check to own a gun but not to run a country
These shooters were all democrats - maybe democrats should not be allowed to have guns
George Washington Quote about gun ownership by Americans
Anti Gun Democrat Senator Shoots  Home Intruder
Lets keep the equality train moving 50 state concealed carry
Han Solo Pro-Gun Anti-Government Free Market Capitalist
When government takes away right to bear arms it is citizens duty to take away governments right to govern George Washington quote
Mass Shootings in America Who is to Blame
Oil your guns with Obama tears
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