Topic: obama

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Obamas Commencement Speech Does NOT Impress West Point Grads
Obama Sucks - Milwaukee Mississippi Louisiana Marthas Vineyard
Valerie Jarrett with and without make up
There are no legacies for presidents that attract flies
Obama and Reggie Love walking on the beach
Obama as the Wicked Witch of the West Wing Gives Illegals Amnesty With His Magic Wand
All the Presidents Men - Obama 2012 Flow Chart
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad
Wikileaks association with Pizza Dogs to Obama spending 65000 tax dollars to fly them in
Putin vs Obama tough guys
When obama Took Offie US ranked 6th in Economic Freedom now it is 12th
Obama: Will you stop making me look like such a pussy? Putin: Nyet
For every 1 job created under the Obama administration 75 people went on food stamps
It takes a super computer to run the photoshop required to make Michelle Obama not look like a wookie
Barack Hussein Obama Defacto Dictator WAKE UP AMERICA
Obama on Wheel of Fortune Spells Rspect for Respect and Wins!
Best Bar Joke Ever
Obama cant make up his mind do federal background checks work or dont they
Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people Clint Eastwood
New Ben and Jerrys  Ice Cream Impeach Mint
Dontray Mills Walks the Street And Yet You Blame the NRA
Obamas New Religion Czar
Do these asses make my truck look big
obama the Messiah vs obama the MESS
Obama Inherited a Disposable Pop Culture
Reagan Recovery vs Obama Recovery Graph Chart
Every time a bell rings an illegal alien gets an entitlement check
Dont Spy on Me
Barack Insane OFundraising Campaigner
The first words spoken were Arabic signaling the giving over of America to Islam
Big Government Bull Sh-t Train
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Obama Meets Chinese President Internet Security High On Agenda
Obama Vs Jefferson Who is Right?
in a worldview far away from reality the farce continues
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