Topic: obama

See! I told YOU - It is all Bush's fault!
National Womens History Month Celebrates Our First Girl President
Obama wants to pick your neighbor
Joke about Obama doing nothing
those three little words obamas been arrested
If you voted for Obama we do not want your business gun show sign
Do you know what the NDAA is - Obama signed it in 2011
Former IRS Chief on Why He Visited White House 118 Times- I went to an Easter Egg Roll
The Man Child President - Obama blowing bubbles while the world burns
How obama looked when he woke up this morning
Obama gives himself a medal
Dontray Mills Walks the Street And Yet You Blame the NRA
What I think about Obama being re-elected... VURT DA FURK!?
Do these asses make my truck look big
Obama Arms Syrian Rebels Who Call Themselves Jihadists and Who Beheaded a Christian Minister
obama the Messiah vs obama the MESS
Reagan Recovery vs Obama Recovery Graph Chart
Every time a bell rings an illegal alien gets an entitlement check
Dont Spy on Me
Barack Insane OFundraising Campaigner
The first words spoken were Arabic signaling the giving over of America to Islam
Big Government Bull Sh-t Train
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Obamas New Religion Czar
in a worldview far away from reality the farce continues
The Obama Talking Doll
Obama and Biden On Fantasy Island  De Plane De Plane
Iranian Moving Van - Must be time for the Obamas to GTFO of the White House
Defending our nation with an iron fist does not involve a five iron -  tactical fire arms sign
Obama Inherited a Disposable Pop Culture
Obama kicking the tires of socialism in Cuba - he will buy it
How to Destroy America by Barack Obama
Bureau of Labor Statistics Black African American Labor Force Participation Rate
Fast and Furious Judge rejects Obama executive privilege TIME FOR JUSTICE
Obama Meets Chinese President Internet Security High On Agenda
Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
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