Topic: obama

National Buffoons Vacation
Obama mission to destroy America - Mission accomplished
Obamas ISIS speech Let me be clear we switched sides but not really pay up taxpayers
Obamas Wheel of Blame
How is it you need a background check to own a gun but not to run a country
Obamas There is no God except Allah Ring
The Vice Presidency - So easy even a cave man - Like Joe Biden - can do it
Obama legacy will go up in smoke
Trick Or Treaters Visit the White House
Obama These types of mass shootings dont happen in other countries BULLSHIT #Paris
Obama is no ordinary weakling
White House? Call it the Sequester House
Dont worry Obama created a website for Iran to register their nukes
The Redistribution of Wealth Facts
Obama Admits He Struggles With 9th Grade Math
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
Baracks BS Bingo
Liberals are right out of Orwells 1984
Is it too much to ask that the President affirm his devotion to the law - Trey Gowdy quote
Liberals are just figuring out that obama has been lying? Let me show my shocked face
The Emporor Has No Clothes Obama speaks to small crowd in Germany
A Presidential Math Problem
3 Branches of Government according to Obama
Labor Force Dropouts Responsible for the Decreasing Official Unemployment Rate
The Moment You Realize that an Ex KGB Tyrant has Stymied an Ex Peace Prize Winners Attempt at War
Pregnant girl Obama Rocks
The DEMperor Has No Clothes
Al Sharpton called for Obama to nationalize Americas Police Just Like Hitler Did
John Kerrys Unbelievably Small Attack on Syria
The Obamas are packing it out of the White House PRAISE GOD
Hey Barack When Are You Going To Tell the Mid East to Stop Clinging to Their Guns & Religion?
Is this the ladies room Obama said I could pee here
Obamas Middle Finger To America is by Design
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