Topic: obama

HeeHaw Michelle and Obie 1 Kenyobie
stupid obama voters
The Pillage People
Obama wants to pick your neighbor
Iran Nuclear Deal Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it Remember North Korea
Which family of these people did not receive a condolence call from obama
Lies Obama told while looking America in the eyes
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
get equal
The headlines you wish you would see in 2016
Al Sharpton called for Obama to nationalize Americas Police Just Like Hitler Did
RIP Brian Terry Border Patrol Agent Killed By Mexicans Using Obama Guns
I just do not understand why no one trusts obama
obama eric and sharpton grab the popcorn to watch Ferguson riots
Obama in Gone With the Wind Frankly America I don't  give a damn
Coward Piven how Obama and Democrats bankrupt the USA by design
Obama and Bill Ayers
Obamas View of Terrorists Criminals and Right Wingers
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