Topic: obama

Barack Insane Ocyrus
those three little words obamas been arrested
Obama instructed the forest service to plant magic trees that grow free stuff
Embarrasing Manchild President of the United States Makes Time for Disgusting YouTube Star GloZell
Obamas Bait and Swtich
NBCs Engle on SOTU - The World Obama Wishes We Were All Living in Does Not Exist
debt added by presidents
Clint Eastwood to Obamas Empty Chair - How Was Paris
Politicos Cartoon Depicting Obamas Snub of the Anti Terrorist March in Paris
Obama Lies looking right in your eyes
Barack Oboehner
Obama thanks Santa Boehner for 1 point 1 trillion dollars
instead of cutting military funds congress should cut obama vacation funds
Republican Congress Passed Defense bill granting Fort Hood victims the status they deserve Will Obama veto it
The real reason Obama granted amnesty to Illegal Aliens
Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
Joke about Obama doing nothing
Michelle Obama - she sounds hideous - well shes a guy - so
How obama looked when he woke up this morning
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
Obamas Ebola Response Team
Reagan Recovery vs Obama Recovery Graph Chart
It takes a super computer to run the photoshop required to make Michelle Obama not look like a wookie
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Do you know why Obama changed the name of Al Qaeda to Khurasan
Valerie Jarrett with and without make up
If obama gave a speech in a forest and no one could hear him would he still lie
It worked for hitler and it is working for obama
Quotes I am not a dictator Hitler Castro Obama
Defending our nation with an iron fist does not involve a five iron -  tactical fire arms sign
Obamas ISIS speech Let me be clear we switched sides but not really pay up taxpayers
I bet you kids did not know that Michelle is a Man
No one should have the power to make their own laws or put their foot n the presidential desk
Obama Voters Annonymous
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