Topic: obama

National Buffoons Vacation
RIP Brian Terry Border Patrol Agent Killed By Mexicans Using Obama Guns
Do you know why Obama changed the name of Al Qaeda to Khurasan
Obama on Wheel of Fortune Spells Rspect for Respect and Wins!
Quotes I am not a dictator Hitler Castro Obama
Inapproriate behavior for the so called President of the United States
For every 1 job created under the Obama administration 75 people went on food stamps
gOOD dOGGIE swimming
If your house was flooded would you raise the ceiling or pump out the water - FIX THE DEBT
The Emporor Has No Clothes Obama speaks to small crowd in Germany
A Presidential Math Problem
From Tahrir Square, A Message to Obama, the Media and the Muslim Brotherhood
cool cat with fly clueless obama with fly
Obamas View of Terrorists Criminals and Right Wingers
Obama is no ordinary weakling
The Redistribution of Wealth Facts
Hey Barack When Are You Going To Tell the Mid East to Stop Clinging to Their Guns & Religion?
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
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