Topic: quote

Ben Carson quote We the people are not each others enemies
Obama  - Tear Down This Wall at the Border
The Greatest Priviledge is Living Under the US Constitution
When one American Who Had Done Nothing Wrong is Forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth then all Americans are in peril - Harry Truman
Benjamin Franklins Creed About Worshipping One Creator
On the eve of the civil war no Republcan owned slaves all were owned by Democrats Dinesh
Where is the sanctuary for American citizens Dana Loesch quote
The secret of Freedom lies in educating people Maximilien Robespierre Quote
Happy Thanksgiving quote
MLK Nothing more dangerous than ignorance and stupidity quote
Nancy Pelosi VS James Madison quotes about the size of laws and bills
Frederick Douglas quote I am a republican the party of freedom and progress
John Adams quote about dividing the republic into two parties Democrat and Republican
If socialists understood economics they would not be socialists Friedrich Von Hayek quote
Quotes I am not a dictator Hitler Castro Obama
Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
It does not take a majority to win but an irate tireless minority Samuel Adams quote
Sir Winston Churchill Quote Socialism is a philosophy of failure
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