Topic: quote

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The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of noblest causes Thomas Paine quote
Thomas Sowell Quote When you want to help people you tell them the truth
Tyranny is defined as what is legal for the government but not for the citizens Thomas Jefferson Quote
It does not take a majority to win but an irate tireless minority Samuel Adams quote
Antonin Scalia quote on the practice of constitutional revision
Al Sharpton Quote about White Folks in caves and homos in Greece
Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
Martin Luther King Jr's Quote About Hitler
Nancy Pelosis Problem is that her spine  does not seem to reach her brain - Liz Cheny Quote
The Greatest Priviledge is Living Under the US Constitution
MLK Jr quote
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
Progressives masquerading as liberals pave the way for Hitlerism Ludwig Von Mises quote 1940
Kennedy quote on enslavement plot made  7 days before his assasination
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
The best way to take control over people Adolph Hitler Quote
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