Topic: quote

Kennedy quote on enslavement plot made  7 days before his assasination
Winston Churchill Quote Some peoples idea of free speech
Michell Obama Quote Young People Are Knuckleheads - That is why they voted for her husband
Oathkeepers Marines Road Sign What is worth defending Our Homes and Bill of Rights Smedley Butler quote
Thomas Jefferson quote - those entrusted with power pervert it into tyranny
Abraham Lincoln Quote includes you can not strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
Teddy Roosevelt had it right about Immigrants
To Argue with a person who has renounced reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine quote
There are but two parties now TRAITORS AND PATRIOTS Ulysses S Grant quote
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
Nancy Pelosis Problem is that her spine  does not seem to reach her brain - Liz Cheny Quote
It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere Voltaire quote
The only way Putin is in any danger from Obama is blocking the door to a fundraiser Kimberly Gilfoyle quote
We lend money to kids who can not pay it back to train for jobs that do not exist
I would like to see every woman know how to handle firearms Quote Annie Oakley
Bullies how the lefts culture of fear and intimidation silences Americans Quote Ben Shapiro
Edward Snowden quote about privacy and free speech
There is a plot in this country to enslave every man woman and child JFK Quote
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