Topic: quote

If you become sheep the wolves will eat you Benjamin Franklin Quote
The goal of socialism is communism Vladimir Lenin
Tyranny is defined as what is legal for the government but not for the citizens Thomas Jefferson Quote
Oathkeepers Marines Road Sign What is worth defending Our Homes and Bill of Rights Smedley Butler quote
Obamas Greatest Hits
Supreme Court Judge Scalia quote Our government is one of laws not of men
White liberals are the most racist people Dr Ben Carson quote
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
Nancy Pelosis Problem is that her spine  does not seem to reach her brain - Liz Cheny Quote
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
Robin Morgan radical feminist hates herself because she is white
My brain is only a receiver in the universe Tesla Quote
Anti Gun Hysteria Exposed Vermont State Senator Mary Ann Carlson thinks gun owners are likely criminals
We do not have a secretary of the treasury we have a secretary of the debt quote Peter Schiff
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine Quote
Patrick Henry Quote - America was founded by Christians based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Benjamin Franklin VS Barack Obama on Liberty and Safety
Where is the sanctuary for American citizens Dana Loesch quote
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