burning american flag
National Student Walk Out Chants
Democrats only pretend to treasure the constitution
Astroturf March for Parkland Shooting 'group pays for participants
Feinstein pressuring Murkowski during Kavanaugh procedures
Dinosaur Feinstein led the charge to ruin an innocent mans life for her own personal power
Christine Blasey Ford Kavanaugh Accuser Holding Trump Not My President Sign
The innocent owe no apologies
Dear Mr President I want to move to Mexico Please Help
Adam Schiff Doppleganger
My how times have changed Jerry Brown refused refugees
How Dinosaurs Became Extinct
Christine Blasey Ford wants me to believe she was groped by Jr Varsity Captain Kavanaugh in the 80s
An angry purple haired woman dressed like a vagina lecturing us on human dignity
Ralph Northam claims he wasnt the black face in the picture but his pants betray him in another picture
Not all ticks are equal
Glass Ceilings shattered in 2016
The tortoise and the hairbrained McConnell and Pelosi
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