burning american flag
Adam Schiff Doppleganger
Beware the Useful Idiots working to Create a Social State- Rules by Saul Alinsky
Leaving California and the insanity of Governor Moonbeam Jerry Brown
A foolish woman tears down her house with her own hands Nancy Pelosi the shredder
The future of Trump Voters under the installed Biden regime
Democrat Leaders and Mouthpieces on Record for Inciting Violence
Communist Bernie Sanders and Liberal Snake in the Grass Chuck Schumer
Creepy Touchy Feely Joe Biden
The leaked memo that explains why Democrats NEED DACA
Dr Martin Luther King Jr was arrested 29 Times by Democrat Mayors and Police Chiefs who opposed civil rights acts and bussing like Joe Biden did
CLOWARD PIVEN Another reason why THE COMMUNIST GLOBALISTS had to get rid of Trump
Booker T Washington Quote about race hustlers
Scott Israel - flaming democrat - this explains a lot
Dinosaur Feinstein led the charge to ruin an innocent mans life for her own personal power
Trigger Me Timbers lol
Slate on the Electoral College 2012  - VS - 2016
Antifa Little Girl Masked as a Thug Runs Away From MAGA marcher with flag
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