burning american flag
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Obama detained over 90 thousand children and not one democrat gave a damn
Trigger Me Timbers lol
joe biden groping a womans breasts
antifa sprayed monument with communist symbol
Bazinga - response to liberal idiot George Ciccariello about wanting to puke over giving a seat to a military man
The complete life cycle of a liberal
Never give power to a mob
silly liberals try a cup of reality for a change
It is easier to come back from a nuclear bomb than it is decades of Democrat Government
liberal women play tough guys because liberal men cant
Pelosi admitted she witheld covid relief to hurt Trump Branco cartoon
Branco Cartoon Schiff might want to look at Biden for Quid Pro Quo
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners George Carlin quote
Traitors Obama Crime Family
It must be so confusing to be a democrat
The National Guard was screened for extremists - seriously wonder - are images of an American flag a red flag for danger
Nancy Pelosi shreds American Greatness
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