burning american flag
Rachel Maddow looks just like Herman Munster Except Herman is cuter
Chicago strictest gun laws highest murder rate
Congressional Democrats in their Safe Space during the Inauguration
Useful idiot Yuri definition - do not be a troll bot sheeple useful idiot
Dr Martin Luther King Jr was arrested 29 Times by Democrat Mayors and Police Chiefs who opposed civil rights acts and bussing like Joe Biden did
National Student Walk Out Chants
Guess who is united for Ukraine - Adam Schiffty eyed Schiff
AOC knows all about alligators
The old Bag's bags - Pelosi CODEL baggage outside her door
Get over it snowflakes Trump won
On the left American Liberals burning the American Flag on the Right Iranians See the Difference?
Michigan counties 4 Hillary
Watching the USA be destroyed by our own people - SADDEST THING EVER democrats
Steps to creating a socialist state by Saul Alinski
California Democrat Politicians Want to Turn the USA Into A Larger Version of Their Own Hell Hole
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