burning american flag
Democrats voted to fine Americans for not having healthcare and to give it to illegals for free
George Orwell Quote - destroying history
Obama detained over 90 thousand children and not one democrat gave a damn
AOCs staged border photo op
Welcome to San Fran Feces
cell block dnc
pence and christian beliefs
Melania teach kids to care about our country
AOC and Ilhan
Jussie Smollett the boy who cried Trump Stiglich cartoon
Pervy uncle Joe makes women scream ha
Thanks for nothing AOC
Communist Bernie Sanders and Liberal Snake in the Grass Chuck Schumer
Alexandria Occasional Cortex - We can end world hunger with these donut seeds
Nazi Socialist women who supported Hitlers dream of socialist paradise always dressed in white Just like Dem women at SOTU
Democrat VA Governor Ralph Northam promotes Infanticide the murder of newborns
ALL WHITE - WHO WORE IT BETTER -Democrats or mental patients
kid with mag hat on nancy
Klanned Parenthood Democrat Congresswomen of a feather flock together
I have PTSD
State Bar of Texas Elizabeth Warren registered as an American Indian Fauxahauntus
Ralph Northam claims he wasnt the black face in the picture but his pants betray him in another picture
Democrat VA Governor Ralph Shearer Northam was called Coonman in schoolbook
Alexandria Ocasia  Cortez  has the same crazy eyes as Charles Manson
Tasteless Democrat Senator from AZ Krysten Sinema dressed like a pole dancer in the Senate
The old Bag's bags - Pelosi CODEL baggage outside her door
Nancy Pelosi's Flight During a Government Shutdown
2019 And the Democrats have just got started STOP ELECTING DEMOCRATS AMERICA
Mainstream media - how they paint themselves vs how they really are
Brock Chisolm quote on how to achieve world government
Ocasia Cortez is pushing the downward spiral of America - Socialism
Trump shows Chuckie Schumer a picture of his naked daughter
Trigger Me Timbers lol
Bernie Sanders Stop Giving Middle Class Money to People Who Work 0 Hours Per Week
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