burning american flag
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Bernie Sanders - Share the wealth of the workers with those who do not work
Karl Marx responsible for millions of deaths
Chatty Cortez Doll Just Pull Her String For Free Stuff
Now that Democrats have the House again How long until they want the tax cuts back
Have you accepted the government as your Lord and Savior - Cortez Revolution
What is a false flag
BRANCO cartoon Ultrasound to determine if baby is a male predator or female victim
Dinosaur Feinstein led the charge to ruin an innocent mans life for her own personal power
And Just Like THAT Elizabeth Warrens Indian Blood Was GONE
One out of one thousand twenty fourths is the new NOT
Vladimir Lenin quote - If we can kill national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won that country
Never give power to a mob
Lindsey Graham ah ah ah ah staying alive staying alive
Christine Blasey Ford wants me to believe she was groped by Jr Varsity Captain Kavanaugh in the 80s
Feinstein pressuring Murkowski during Kavanaugh procedures
David Hogg got people to join the NRA Christine Ford got them to vote Republican
Creepy Porn Lawyers New Client Tells Her Story
The Democrats have stripped off the scales of Justice America is - due process - innocent until proven guilty
Lets try socialism in the actors union first
unemployment low
Mad Maxine Waters
The entire ME TOO thing summed up
Socialism Bernie Sanders Just Take It
Christine Blasey Ford 1982 and now
3 degrees of separation between Strzok and Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford Kavanaughs Accuser laughing it up at the hearing
That look you give when lying at a congressional hearing
Imagine what Democrats would be willing to do to you
A tip for liberal women about how to cancel democracy
The Bushes and the Obamas - just one big happy globalist elite family
candace owens
Christine Blasey Ford Kavanaugh Accuser Holding Trump Not My President Sign
Fake News CNN Anderson Cooper  during a storm
Is Rachel Maddow a white supremacist The evidence says yes
Typical Liberal protester against Kavanaugh
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