burning american flag
Watching the USA be destroyed by our own people - SADDEST THING EVER democrats
How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert plain words Samuel Adams quote for leftists and trolls
Liberal Holidays
Who is Black Rock Associated With
If your college degree does not have enough value for you to pay it off it sure does not have enough for me to pay it off
Our enemies are not in Russia
CRT White Supremecy Culture BS
school choice
South Park nailed it again women athletes
Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to  offend imbeciles Dostoievski Quote
Womens Wrestling Champion of the world
Western Youth Supporting Socialism
It is called the Hegelian dialectic
Cruel and Unusual Punishment Jussie Smollett Forced To Share Cell With His Attacker
The mind of a modern day liberal
It must be so confusing to be a democrat
PJ O Rourke Quote - at the core of liberalism is the spoiled child
Great Liberal Accomplishments
dumb masks
CLOWARD PIVEN Another reason why THE COMMUNIST GLOBALISTS had to get rid of Trump
separation of vax and unvax
Deomcrats then KKK Democrats Now Antifa BLM
Is it or is it not ok for a 17 yr old to carry a rifle in the street
what the fresh hell is this all  about
Ladies and Gentelmen - the Governor of Oregon in a Christmas Mask
Democrats are the ones who support and incite domestic violent insurgency - riots - looting - complete destruction
Proposed Democrat Bill wants to mandate all flyers to be vaccinated
5 navy seals running for congress
Putin pokes fun at WOKE Lefties - they remind him of the Bolsheviks
Make up your mind Democrats on CRT They say it is real - and then they say it is not real - ITS REAL
Yonkin WINS
So that is why Fauci is so  full  of bologna
Kamela had to hire actors including Biden's grand kid to make space force video propaganda
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