burning american flag
Obama Legacy Skyrocketing Deficit
Branco Cartoon Schiff might want to look at Biden for Quid Pro Quo
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners George Carlin quote
Democrats are the party of hate
Traitors Obama Crime Family
It must be so confusing to be a democrat
Obama detained over 90 thousand children and not one democrat gave a damn
List of Senators who used Nuclear Option in 2013 to confirm DC circuit judges
Trigger Me Timbers lol
joe biden groping a womans breasts
The entire ME TOO thing summed up
Bazinga - response to liberal idiot George Ciccariello about wanting to puke over giving a seat to a military man
It is easier to come back from a nuclear bomb than it is decades of Democrat Government
Pelosi admitted she witheld covid relief to hurt Trump Branco cartoon
Nike Hypocrisy Pays workers pennies Pays Kaepernick millions
CJ Hopkins on last weeks outbreak of Nazi hysteria
You can not trust Snopes
John Hoskins definition of lesbian
The National Guard was screened for extremists - seriously wonder - are images of an American flag a red flag for danger
The screeching snowflake immortalized NOOOOOOO
Nancy Pelosi shreds American Greatness
Kino Jimenez Violent hater stole MAGA hat from teen and threw a drink on him
Why cant Democrats just let Republicans enjoy the Theater
Beware the Useful Idiots working to Create a Social State- Rules by Saul Alinsky
31 genders recognized by New York City
Old enough to remember when Coca Cola served the KKK
Klanned Parenthood Democrat Congresswomen of a feather flock together
Christine Blasey Ford wants me to believe she was groped by Jr Varsity Captain Kavanaugh in the 80s
MAXINE WATERS 2020 Laud for LA California to relocate 41 THOUSAND refugees but to keep quiet until after the election
Great Liberal Accomplishments
gates land owner
Welcome to San Fran Feces
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