burning american flag
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Maxine Waters is down right fugly
The ruination of Venezuela in one generation
Does crowd size really matter - Democrats VS Republicans
was Breitbart murdered or did he die of heart failure
George Soros funded John McCains Reform Institute
One of the many times Obama was compared to Jesus Christ
Classical Liberalism vs Progressivism on Free Speech
Philidelphias Sugary Drink Tax Implemented Today
Make up your mind Democrats on CRT They say it is real - and then they say it is not real - ITS REAL
Liberal Think Tank Sewage Only
ALL WHITE - WHO WORE IT BETTER -Democrats or mental patients
Another Democrat Scandal Kids of the Elite
Hey Hey were the Monkees RACISTS
Antifa Little Girl Masked as a Thug Runs Away From MAGA marcher with flag
Obama detained over 90 thousand children and not one democrat gave a damn
oprah setting wienstien up on a date
Trigger Me Timbers lol
David Brock VS Fox News and Sean Hannity
Pelosi admitted she witheld covid relief to hurt Trump Branco cartoon
Branco Cartoon Schiff might want to look at Biden for Quid Pro Quo
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners George Carlin quote
When Elizabeth Warren pretended to be a Native American
This is why Im not a Democrat
Traitors Obama Crime Family
Safe Space Combat Medals
Imagine what Democrats would be willing to do to you
It must be so confusing to be a democrat
Nancy Pelosi shreds American Greatness
Kino Jimenez Violent hater stole MAGA hat from teen and threw a drink on him
Left confuses compassion for dependency Thomas Sowell quote
Beware the Useful Idiots working to Create a Social State- Rules by Saul Alinsky
Antifa encourages cop killing
Abid Awan and his Russian wife Natalia Sova
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