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Glenn reveals the facts that the media refuse to share and breaks down the entire Ukraine ti...
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Safari Woman
Not really a Beck fan but from what I've seen so far and others are saying, in this he nails it! 
  • October 8, 2019
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Johnny Rudick
I liked him ever since he got fired from FOX after his excellent expose of the Federal Reserve.
  • October 8, 2019
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Safari Woman
I liked his chalkboard days - then I dunno - it seemed like he sort of lost it and went in directions I really didn't agree with him about. I don't totally trust him. But on this he did great.
  • October 9, 2019
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Johnny Rudick
Ha, ha, ha! Well, true. But I even like some of Alex Jones's stuff so you can never tell about me.
  • October 9, 2019
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Safari Woman
Like I said about the David Icke post - not many I really fully trust anyway - probably every thing I post should come with a disclaimer lol I've listened to a few Jones things but his voice grates my nerves. I like Paul Watson though. I realized a long time go that not even among friends will I agr...
  • October 9, 2019
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