
Natural Health


Health, Beauty and Fitness
health a patient cured is a customer lost
This is not normal young world class atheletes dropping dead - covid vax
Florida covid case chart mask mandate vs no mask mandate from ianmsc on twitter
Glenda the good witch says - you have had the power all along
Why people take drugs
Covid - you had natural immunity all along my dear Wizard of Oz Glenda the good witch
Ivermectin Meme
Fu Mal Influenza Conquered
Dozens of jabbed teens suffer side effects Vaccination Vax
the Indian Government is distributing a home Covid Kit with Zinc Doxycycline and Ivermectin
1996 News leader article Typ A Wuan flu virus can be deadly
Covid death correction in MA
The difference between being vaxed and unvaxed
Estimated new infections per 100000 population - Florida and California end up about the same
What happens to covid death numbers when testing cycle is lowered
A page from Robert F Kennedy Jr book Real Dr Fauci
FDA approved means a deal was made
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