common-core rotten2
Willis Pebble

Although this is a blog dedicated to exposing  the truth about common core, I thought it would be a good idea to post a few blogs about the basic reasons we need to stop common core and how to stop common core. So, here is a...
Willis Pebble

Here ia the first In sallment of a an ongouing blog which will show the corporate connection that gave us comon core. The enclosed diagrams and maps were gathered from sources aroung the stop common core movement. Truthout / ...
Joseph Ryan

March for the Children Event March 5th, Tallahassee Please  plan to attend the March for the Children Event on March 5th in Tallahassee to support the  Florida Education Stakeholders Education Empowerment Act(FESEEA) . This ...
Willis Pebble

Sunshine State News has an article called "Will Weatherford Shows No Signs of Leaving Political Stage. As a parent opposed to common core, I hope he stays on the stage, the next stage out of town. Wonder why we still have co...
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