What We Know About The Boston Terrorist Bomber
April 22, 2013
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Battle Wins:
Voted for Obama, Muslim, Hates America, Killed four peple, Wounded more than 150 people permanently maiming many, From Chechnya, Mother arrested for shoplifting, Father still in Russia, became...
I really don't believe that this boy hated America. And yes, I do feel sorry for him but only because I think his brother had such a strong influence on him that he was compelled to trust their bond more than test his allegiance to the United States. He's just as guilty as his bro but their individ...
  • April 22, 2013
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Safari Woman
I read a police officer's account - of viewing the video that they have of HIM dropping the back pack a few feet away from the child.... He said it was chilling to see the indifference with which he carried it out.
  • April 22, 2013
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Mike Blackwood
We know he will be the one who is a victim by the time the lefty media get done with this.
  • April 23, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
We know that no matter how sweet every body says he is he was really a terrible person! Every time I hear the news talk about how normal he was I want to scream. This isn't normal!
  • April 23, 2013
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Susan McClaren
We know that they were on their way to Times Square to do more bombing. (Nice boys oh where did society fail them?) That attitude makes me ill.
  • April 26, 2013
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