July 11, 2014 by
in Suzy Cue Tips
This is not theater I am not interested in photo ops Obama lie quote
July 11, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
He's sure not interested in doing his job, either! Shared.
  • July 11, 2014
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Susan McClaren
Apparently, being a joke is his job!
  • July 12, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
Welcome back Susan! LTNS
  • July 12, 2014
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Susan McClaren
Thank you. I had to get a new computer and I lost my book marks. I hate getting a new computer. I lost everything on my old one and it took a long time to get everything set up. I went to teamnetworks.com and thought the site changed. lol I finally thought about just searching for it and that is whe...
  • July 12, 2014
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Rodney Precht
What emails were you hiding? LOL
  • July 12, 2014
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Safari Woman
I'm glad you figured it out! lol
  • July 12, 2014
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Rodney Precht
It has occurred to me, whatever he says means the exact opposite.
  • July 12, 2014
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Safari Woman
If his lips are moving he must be lying.
  • July 12, 2014
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Rodney Precht
He's a pathological liar in my opinion. Doesn't know what the truth is and thinks he is so smart everyone will believe whatever he says.
  • July 12, 2014
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Safari Woman
And if they don't, he can just call them a racist.
  • July 12, 2014
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Rodney Precht
Or sic the IRS on 'em?
  • July 12, 2014
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Safari Woman
Or maybe a drone strike?
  • July 12, 2014
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Lucas Delgado
His whole presidency has been nothing but theater.
  • July 12, 2014
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