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Once you accept Obama is not on our side everything he does makes perfect sense
January 3, 2016
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Topics: obama, traitor
Linda Mihalic
By May 2008, I knew he was a Manchurian Candidate. Very few people believed me or would even listen.
  • January 3, 2016
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Johnny Rudick
I believe you Linda!
We have a lot of them which surface every once in a while.
Another one exposed himself ( ) just a few days ago.
Sorry, I could not resist. Lol
  • January 3, 2016
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Carl Spencer
Who are you speaking of?
  • January 3, 2016
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Johnny Rudick
I believe I was referring to Paul Ryan.
They do not have to all of a sudden take out a gun and start mowing everyone down.
They can get a large following and then all of a sudden "change" moral behavior, or get elected to an important office and then change parties or start working for the enemy. . ....
  • January 3, 2016
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Carl Spencer
Paul has come out about why he did what he did and promises to start turning it around this year. They put an Obama care repeal on his desk even though that seems pointless. I'm willing to take him at his word just this once.
  • January 7, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
I remember the first time I laid eyes on him, my stomach churned and I knew he was evil. I don't recall when I realized he was a Manchurian candidate, I didn't know much about him at first. It didn't take much studying up on him to figure it out!
  • January 4, 2016
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I became aware of that premise back in 2004 but was roundly laughed at when I pointed it out. I don't hear much laughing now.
  • January 8, 2016
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