
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
Protest Signs against children and liberals working to abolish the 2nd amendment
General George S. Patton Quote
What Happened at a College Democrat Bake Sale LOL
That Feeling You Get After About Two Minutes Of Listening To Obama Talk - Al Bundy
CLINTONspelled out
Sheeple, Its Whats for Dinner ;)
Loretta Lynch to Transgenders
Was the You Tube shooter a man who had a sex change
Fear is a Liar
The Genocide Chart
Founding feminist ideology
Honoring Vets
Planned Paenthood Drive Through Service - Parts
Picture of Pearl Harbor Speech Written by FDR With Notations
Obamas Wonderland State of the Union Speech
too old for PC
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